Source code for imantics.dataset

import random
import numpy as np

from .annotation import Annotation
from .category import Category
from .basic import Semantic
from .image import Image

[docs]class Dataset(Semantic): @classmethod def from_xml(cls, xml_folder, name="XML Dataset"): extensions = ("jpg","JPG","png") from xmljson import badgerfish as bf from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring """ Generates a dataset from a folder with XML and corresponding images :param xml_folder: :type xml_folder: pathlib.Path :raise ImportError: Raised if xml_folder is a `pathlib.Path` object and it cannot be imported """ dataset = cls(name) xml_list = [] id_counter = 0 for ext in extensions: xml_list += list(xml_folder.glob(f"*.{ext}")) categories = [] for idx, imgp in enumerate(xml_list): xml =".xml"),"r").read())) if "object" in xml["annotation"].keys(): if type(xml["annotation"]["object"]) is not list: cat = xml["annotation"]["object"]["name"]["$"] categories.append(cat) else: for ann in xml["annotation"]["object"]: cat = ann["name"]["$"] categories.append(cat) categories = list(set(categories)) xml_categories = {cat: Category(cat,id=idx+1) for idx,cat in enumerate(categories)} for idx, imgp in enumerate(xml_list): image = Image.from_path(str(imgp)) = idx image.dataset = name xml =".xml"),"r").read())) if "object" in xml["annotation"].keys(): # Handle single object case if type(xml["annotation"]["object"]) is not list: xml["annotation"]["object"] = [xml["annotation"]["object"]] for ann in xml["annotation"]["object"]: i = ann["bndbox"] cat = ann["name"]["$"] x,y,xx,yy = (int(i["xmin"]["$"]), int(i["ymin"]["$"]),int(i["xmax"]["$"]),int(i["ymax"]["$"])) bbox = [x,y,xx,yy] fin_ann = Annotation(id=id_counter, image=image, bbox=bbox,category=xml_categories[cat]) id_counter += 1 image.add(fin_ann) dataset.add(image) return dataset
[docs] @classmethod def from_coco(cls, coco_obj, name="COCO Datset"): """ Generates a dataset from a COCO object or python dict :param coco_obj: :type coco_obj: dict, pycocotools.coco.COCO :raise ImportError: Raised if coco_obj is a `pycocotools.coco.COCO` object and it cannot be imported """ if isinstance(coco_obj, dict): dataset = cls(name) coco_info = coco_obj.get('info', []) coco_annotations = coco_obj.get('annotations', []) coco_images = coco_obj.get('images', []) coco_categories = coco_obj.get('categories', []) index_categories = {} for category in coco_categories: category = Category.from_coco(category) index_categories[] = category for image in coco_images: image = Image.from_coco(image, dataset=dataset) dataset.add(image) for annotation in coco_annotations: image_id = annotation.get('image_id') category_id = annotation.get('category_id') image = dataset.images[image_id] category = index_categories[category_id] segmentation = annotation.get('segmentation') metadata = annotation.get('metadata', {}) # color can be stored in the metadata color = annotation.get('color', metadata.get('color')) annotation = Annotation(image, category, polygons=segmentation,\ color=color, metadata=metadata) dataset.add(annotation) return dataset from pycocotools.coco import COCO if isinstance(coco_obj, COCO): pass return None
def __init__(self, name, images=[], id=0, metadata={}): self.annotations = {} self.categories = {} self.images = {} = name self._max_ann_id = None self._max_img_id = None for image in images: image.index(self) super(Dataset, self).__init__(id, metadata)
[docs] def add(self, image): """ Adds image(s) to the current dataset :param image: list, object or path to add to dataset :type image: :class:`Image` :class:`Annotation`, list, typle, path """ if isinstance(image, (list, tuple)): for img in image: img.index(self) return if isinstance(image, Annotation): annotation = image image = self.images.get( annotation.index(self) image.add(annotation) return if isinstance(image, str): image = Image.from_path(image) image.index(self)
[docs] def iter_images(self): """ Generator to iterate over all images """ for _, image in self.images.items(): yield image
[docs] def iter_annotations(self): """ Generator to iterate over all annotations """ for key, annotation in self.annotations.items(): if isinstance(key, int): yield annotation
[docs] def iter_categories(self): """ Generator to iterate over all categories """ for _, category in self.categories.items(): yield category
[docs] def split(self, ratios, random=False): """ Splits dataset images into mutiple sub datasets of the given ratios If a tuple of (1, 1, 2) was passed in the result would return 3 dataset objects of 25%, 25% and 50% of the images. .. code-block:: python percents = ratios / ratios.sum() :param ratios: ratios to split dataset into :type ratios: tuple, list :param random: randomize the images before spliting :returns: tuple of datasets with length of the number of ratios :rtype: tuple """ if len(ratios) >= len(self.images): raise ValueError("Too many values in ratio array compared to dataset size") ratios = np.array(ratios) percents = ratios / ratios.sum() if percents.sum() != 1: raise ValueError("Percents don't add up to 100%") percents = percents[:-1] # don't need last percent, just take what is left percents *= len(self.images) # how many images in each dataset percents = percents.round().astype( # prepare where we split if random: im = random.sample(list(self.images.keys())) else: im = list(self.images.keys()) splits = np.split(im, percents) datasets = [] for idx, split in enumerate(splits): tmp_images = [] for key in split: # get all images corresponding to the split's keys tmp_images.append(self.images.get(key)) dataset = Dataset("split" + str(idx), images=tmp_images) datasets.append(dataset) return datasets
[docs] def coco(self): coco = { 'info': {}, 'categories': [c.coco(include=False) for c in self.iter_categories()], 'images': [i.coco(include=False) for i in self.iter_images()], 'annotations': [a.coco(include=False) for a in self.iter_annotations()] } return coco
[docs] def yolo(self): yolo = {} for image in self.iter_images(): yolo[image.path] = image.yolo() return yolo
__all__ = ["Dataset"]