Source code for imantics.image

from lxml import etree as ET
from lxml.builder import E

import os
import cv2
import json
import numpy as np

from .annotation import *
from .basic import Semantic
from .utils import json_default
from .styles import COCO, VGG, VOC, YOLO

[docs]class Image(Semantic): FORMATS = ('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.jpe', '.tiff', '.bmp', '.sr', '.ras')
[docs] @classmethod def from_folder(cls, directory): """ Creates :class:`Image`'s from all images found in directory :returns: list of :class:`Image`'s """ image_id = 0 images = [] for path, _, files in os.walk(directory): for name in files: file_path = os.path.join(path, name) if file_path.lower().endswith(cls.FORMATS): images.append(cls.from_path(file_path)) images[image_id].id = image_id image_id += 1 return images
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): """ Returns an array of images if path is a directory Returns an :class:`Image` if path is a file """ if os.path.isdir(path): return Image.from_folder(path) brg = cv2.imread(path) image_array = cv2.cvtColor(brg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return cls(image_array, path=path)
[docs] @classmethod def from_coco(cls, coco, dataset=None): """ Creates an :class:`Image` from a dict in COCO formatted image :param coco: COCO formatted image :type coco: dict :rtype: :class:`Image` """ metadata = coco.get('metadata', {}) metadata.update({ 'license': coco.get('license'), 'flickr_url': coco.get('flickr_url'), 'coco_url': coco.get('coco_url'), 'date_captured': coco.get('date_captured') }) data = { 'id': coco.get('id', 0), 'width': coco.get('width', 0), 'height': coco.get('height', 0), 'path': coco.get('path', coco.get('file_name', '')), 'metadata': metadata, 'dataset': dataset } return cls(**data)
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls, width=0, height=0): """ Creates an empty :class:`Image` """ return cls(width=width, height=height)
annotations = {} categories = {} def __init__(self, image_array=None, annotations=[], path="", id=0, metadata={}, dataset=None, width=0, height=0): self.dataset = dataset self.annotations = {} self.categories = {} # Index annotation for index, annotation in enumerate(annotations): = index+1 annotation.index(self) self.path = path # Load image form path if path is provided and image_array is not #if len(path) != 0 and image_array is None: # self = Image.from_path(path) # Create empty image if not provided if image_array is None: self.height, self.width = (height, width) else: self.height, self.width = image_array.shape[:2] self.size = (self.width, self.height) self.file_name = os.path.basename(self.path) super(Image, self).__init__(id, metadata)
[docs] def add(self, annotation, category=None): """ Adds an annotation, list of annotation, mask, polygon or bbox to current image. If annotation is not a Annotation a category is required List of non-Annotaiton objects will have the same category :param annotation: annotaiton to add to current image :param category: required if annotation is not an Annotation object """ if isinstance(annotation, list): for ann in annotation: self.add(ann) return if isinstance(annotation, Mask): height, width = annotation.array.shape[:2] if width == self.width and height == self.height: annotation = Annotation.from_mask(annotation, image=self, category=category) else: raise ValueError('Cannot add annotaiton of size {} to image of size {}'\ .format(annotation.array.shape, (self.height, self.width))) if isinstance(annotation, BBox): annotation = Annotation.from_bbox(annotation, image=self, category=category) if isinstance(annotation, Polygons): annotation = Annotation.from_polygons(annotation, image=self, category=category) annotation.set_image(self) annotation.index(self)
def index(self, dataset): image_index = dataset.images if dataset._max_img_id is None: if image_index.get( = max(image_index.keys()) + 1 dataset._max_img_id = else: dataset._max_img_id += 1 = dataset._max_img_id image_index[] = self for annotation in self.iter_annotations(): annotation.index(dataset)
[docs] def draw(self, bbox=True, outline=True, mask=True, text=True, thickness=3, \ alpha=0.5, categories=None, text_scale = 0.5, color_by_category=False): """ Draws annotations on top of the image. If no image is loaded, annotations will be applied to a black image array. :param bbox: Draw bboxes :param outline: Draw mask outlines :param mask: Draw masks :param alpha: opacity of masks (only applies to masks) :param thickness: pixel width of lines for outline and bbox :param color_by_category: Use the annotations's category to us as color :param categories: List of categories to show :returns: Image array with annotations :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ temp_image = cv2.imread(self.path) if temp_image is None: temp_image = np.zeros((self.height,self.width,3)).astype(np.uint8) temp_image.setflags(write=True) for annotation in self.iter_annotations(): category = annotation.category if (categories is None) or (category in categories): color = category.color if color_by_category else annotation.color if mask: temp_image = annotation.mask.draw(temp_image, alpha=alpha, color=color) if outline: temp_image = annotation.polygons.draw(temp_image, color=color, thickness=thickness) if bbox: temp_image = annotation.bbox.draw(temp_image, thickness=thickness, color=color) if text: cv2.putText(temp_image,, annotation.bbox.top_left, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, text_scale, (0,0,0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(temp_image,, annotation.bbox.top_left, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, text_scale, (255,255,255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) return temp_image
[docs] def iter_annotations(self): """ Generator to iterate over all annotations """ for key, annotation in self.annotations.items(): if isinstance(key, int): yield annotation
[docs] def iter_categories(self): """ Generator to iterate over all categories """ for key, category in self.categories.items(): yield category
[docs] def coco(self, include=True): keys_to_remove = {'license', 'flickr_url', 'coco_url', 'date_captured'} metadata = {k: v for k, v in self.metadata.items() if k not in keys_to_remove} image = { 'id':, 'width': self.width, 'height': self.height, 'file_name': self.file_name, 'path': self.path, 'license': self.metadata.get('license'), 'flickr_url': self.metadata.get('flickr_url'), 'coco_url': self.metadata.get('coco_url'), 'date_captured': self.metadata.get('date_captured'), 'metadata': metadata } if include: categories = [] for category in self.iter_categories(): = len(categories) + 1 categories.append(category.coco(include=False)) annotations = [] for annotation in self.iter_annotations(): = len(annotations) + 1 annotations.append(annotation.coco(include=False)) return { 'categories': categories, 'images': [image], 'annotations': annotations } return image
[docs] def yolo(self): yolo = [] categories = [] for category in self.iter_categories(): = len(categories) + 1 categories.append(category) for annotation in self.iter_annotations(): yolo.append(annotation.yolo()) return yolo
[docs] def voc(self, pretty=False): annotations = [] for annotation in self.iter_annotations(): annotations.append(annotation.voc()) element = E('annotation', E('folder', self.path[: -1*(len(self.file_name)+1)]), E('path', self.path), E('filename', self.file_name), E('size', E('width', str(self.width)), E('height', str(self.height)), E('depth', str(3)) ), *annotations ) if pretty: return ET.tostring(element, pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8') return element
def save(self, file_path, style=COCO): with open(file_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(self.export(style=style), fp)